
Here you will find some extra information about me.


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I live both in Alicante (Spain) and Graz (Austria), flying between them all the year.

A photo of a beach in Alicante, Spain Alicante, Spain. Photo Source

A photo of the Graz’s Clock Tower, Austria Graz, Austria. Photo Source

So my timezone is Central European Time (UTC+1) and Central European Summer Time (UTC+2).


(Doesn’t imply that I know a lot about a certain subject, just interest)

Software I Use

Current setup with Fedora + sway:

Mandatory Screenshot

I’ve also been a longtime Artix/Arch + dwm/st user:

Old Mandatory Screenshot

Hardware I Use

Academic Background


Computer Engineering at the University of Alicante. Computer Engineering specialization.

Graduated with an overall score of 8.98 out of 10. Received the “Bachelor Extraordinary Award” given by the regional College of Computer Engineers to the best graduating students. Passed 15 courses with Honors (~25% of the bachelor), including the Bachelor Thesis. Studied in the High Academic Performance Group (ARA).

University of Alicante

Master (Ongoing)

Computer Science at the Graz University of Technology (TUGraz). Major in Information Security at ISEC. Minor in Embedded Systems. You can see the courses I’ve taken here.

Graz University of Technology

Received the IAIK’s Information Security Scholarship 2022.

Member of the student CTF Team LosFuzzys

LosFuzzys https://ctftime.org/team/8323


English & Valencià C1 are “Certified European Framework of Reference for Languages Level” official recognized titles.

Curriculum Vitae

You can find my CV here: https://ecomaikgolf.com/cv. You can also verify its autenticity with the detached PGP signature and the public key ‘C79F 01CE 017F 57A4 FBBB 4E22 33DD FB0A EB94 20CB