10-19 System Administration
10 Linux Postinstallation
- 10.01 Autoupdate Flatpaks [autoupdate, flatpak]
- 10.02 Autoupdate DNF [autoupdate, dnf]
- 10.03 Autoupdate Containers [autoupdate, containers]
- 10.04 Install Rootless Podman [containers, podman]
11 Windows Postinstallation
- 11.01 Sane Chromium Installation [autoupdate, chromium]
- 11.02 NVCleanstall [nvidia, drivers, ¿safe?]
12 Containers
- 12.01 podman quadlets [systemd, containers, automation, infrastructure]
13 Linux Extras
- 13.01 KSM KVM parameters [KSM, KVM, deduplication, analysis]
- 13.02 VM managing with virsh [VM, virsh, CLI]
- 13.03 libvirt VM filesystem share [libvirt, VM]
14 Packaging
- 14.01 Koji vs Copr [packaging, infra, fedora]
- 14.02 Fedora fedpkg [buildsystem, packaging]
- 14.03 .spec syntax [rpm, packaging]
- 14.04 rpm2rust [rpm, rust, packaging, fedora]
15 Software
16 Hardening
- 16.01 Tetragon [security, hardening]
17 Systemd
- 17.01 Automatic Boot Assessment [systemd, recovery, systemd-boot]
19 Misc
- 19.01 FHS Standard [filesystem, standard]
- 19.02 shebang origins [history, bash, shell, shebang]
20-29 Programming
20 C/C++
- 20.01 libcpucycles [lib, sidechannel, c]
- 20.02 modernescpp [blog, learning, advanced]
- 20.03 CppCon [talks, video, slides]
- 20.04 clang-format website [UI, configurator]
- 20.05 builtin memory barrier [gcc, builtin, barrier]
21 CMake Build System
- 21.01 CPM.cmake [package-manager]
22 Rust
- 22.01 rustowl
28 Build Infrastructure
- 28.01 sccache [remote-ccache, build, cache, mozilla]
29 Exercises
- 29.01 CodeCrafters [exercises, realistic, recommended]
30-39 Development
30 Git
- 30.01 git rebase & autosquash
40-49 Linux Kernel
40 General Learning Resources
- 40.01 Linux Kernel Teaching [exercises, lectures]
- 40.02 linux-insides [step-by-step, lecture]
- 40.03 Linux Device Drivers [book, greg-kroah]
- 40.04 Linux HOWTO [official, style, management, submission]
- 40.05 Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide [book, examples, practical]
- 40.06 Linux CS Notes [blog, unofficial, general]
- 40.07 Linux Memory Gorman [memory, general]
- 40.08 buildroot [buildroot, setup, config]
- 40.09 linternals [general, modern, good]
- 40.10 Professional Linux Kernel Architecture [book, overview, code, comments]
- 40.11 AdrianHuang Slides [slides, overview, good]
- 40.12 ZSO Lecture [lecture]
- 40.13 LKML Seach [lkml]
41 Specific Topics
- 41.01 initcalls [boot, core, specific, initcall]
- 41.02 struct randomization [security, randomization. pwn]
42 Memory Management
- 42.01 mm: important functions [appendix, manual]
- 42.02 Page Allocation Functions [reference]
43 Debugging
- 43.01 Kprobes [official, debug, hook]
- 43.02 Systemtap ref [debug, kmod, systemtap, reference]
- 43.03 Kernel measure time in function [systemtap, script]
- 43.04 addr2line TLDR [debug, offset, addr2line]
44 pwn
- 44.01 Kernel PWN Starter [kernel, pwn, modules]
- 44.02 Kernel pwn repo [kernel, pwn, collection]
- 44.03 ulimit ASLR trick [old, aslr, pwn]
- 44.04 intro slides [intro, good, slides, pwn]
- 44.05 struct overviews [struct, kernel, overview]
- 44.06 gdb pt [gdb, helper, pwn, kernel]
- 44.07 BinAbsInspector [binary, analysis, automated]
45 Security
- 45.01 Overview of Protections [good, overview, slides]
- 45.02 linux v5.3 security [pinning]
- 45.03 SELinux Internals [selinux, blog, explanation]
- 45.04 SELinux Bypasses [selinux, kernel, internals]
- 45.06 Huawei Hypervisor Internals [internals, hypervisor, huawei]
49 Other
- 49.01 Why 2M/1G pages for direct mapping [intel, performance]
- 49.02 syscall table [syscall, ref, table]
50-59 Security
50 Linux Userland
- 50.01 sandboxing mechanisms [sandbox, kernel, slides]
- 50.02 ssh agent workings [ssh, ssh-daemon, linux]
51 Android
- 51.01 Android Security Overview [official, documentation overview]
- 51.02 Android Enterprise Security Whitepaper [official]
- 51.03 Android Platform Security Model [paper]
- 51.04 pKVM Technical Overview [pkvm, slides]
52 Programming
- 52.01 spectre llvm [mitigations, compiler, llvm]
53 Fuzzing
- 52.02 fuzzing-101 [course, github, fuzzing]
60-69 Low Level
60 Hypervisor
- 60.01 MMU Virtualization via Intel EPT [ept, intel]
- 60.02 Hypervisor from Scratch [hypervisor, project, intel, windows]
- 60.03 qemu + KVM + VT-x [blog, explanation, general]
- 60.04 Mastering KVM Virtualization [internals, qemu, kvm, libvirt]
- 60.05 KVM Live VM Migration (p247) [detailed, kvm, infra]
70-79 Capture The Flag
71 rev
- 71.01 Binary Ninja Cheatsheet [API, scripting]
72 pwn
- 72.01 pwn.college [exercises, pwn, good]
- 72.02 shellcode generator [pwn, shellcode]
80-89 Typesetting
81 typst
- 81.01 detypstify [symbols, typst]
- 81.02 syntastica-typst [treesiter, code, typst]
- 81.03 oasis-align [align, typst, plugin]
- 81.04 spellchecker [typst, languagetool]
- 81.05 typst strfmt [typst, format, strings]
- 81.06 typst excel [typst, excel, reader]
- 81.07 tree ascii [typst, tree, ascii]
- 81.08 rivet [typst, cetz, bits, figure]
- 81.09 typst sympy [typst, sympy, math]
- 81.10 profiling [typst, profiling, performance]
82 Fonts
- 82.01 Berkeley Mono [font, sharp]
- 82.02 Departure Mono [font, pixelated]
90-99 Miscelaneous
90 Organization
- 90.01 Jhonny Decimal [organizative, classification]
91 Recommended Blogs
- 91.01 IEncinas [cpu, C]
99 Unclassified
- 99.01 Jetbrains IdeaVIM Configs [editor, vim, ideavim]