Migrated this website to Hugo & developed a custom template for it
Ongoing project with Linuxβs KSM
Part of GlacierCTF2023 organizing team. Involved in developing a challenge and deployments (Kubernetes, Terraform, GCloud)
Quick presentation of CTF Tooling with Distrobox
Slides: https://ls.ecomaikgolf.com/slides/ctfsetup.pdf
Two-month internship at IAIK working in a HHE+MPC project in C++
University seminar presentation about Secure Boot (quick overview from the simplest prespective).
Slides: https://ls.ecomaikgolf.com/slides/secureboot/slides.pdf
University seminar presentation about PRNGs
Slides: https://ls.ecomaikgolf.com/slides/randomnumbers/slides.pdf
Improved Ryanair flight scrapper with Scrapy (Python) and a Laravel Web Interface + Deployment
How to build a CTF enviroment with Distrobox and Podman
Slides: https://ls.ecomaikgolf.com/slides/distrobox.pdf
Ryannair flight scrapper (Python) and ImGUI interface (Python)
Unpublished. Deprecated for v2